Monday 3 February 2014


hello and assalamualaikum my chocolates...

in this post, it is WORD OF THE DAY episode ! yay! what is the word of the day? well, basically I am  just going to randomly pick  a few words in any dictionary or book that I can grab. then I will find the meaning of the words to write in here, and maybe tell a story that has to do with the words or just give a simple sentence. got it? okay, so the words of the day is.....*drumroll please :P

MEANING: reasonable, probable(of person) , persuasive but deceptive.

I have no idea what it means even from the dictionary.. LOL.. so let's check google then..
so the result of the synonyms was these;

 rational, logical, acceptable..

okay now I got you get it? good..GO VOCAB ! so next word...*again, drumroll please :P

MEANING : make earnest appeal to, declare oneself to be guilty or not guilty as charge

our mr. google states that its synomyms are request , implore, ask earnestly.

okay, got it.. a story that has to do with the word plead in my life is actually, happens a lot of times before.. and I'm sure it occurs to you guys a lot to.. to me, i always plead my mom for things.. all the time.. for example, when i go shopping with my mom, then suddenly i spotted a really cute dress not far away, i will plead my mom to buy me one..haha.. did i used the word correctly? i think i did.. tell me if I'm not.

so, i hope all of you cute readers have benefit from this word of the day 'episode' .. if you still don't understand, then I'm sorry .. :( but just check on google images.. always help to get the definition..
so,, keep on reading on my next posts for much more fun and knowledge.. (i hope so,heehee)

much love,

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