Tuesday 4 February 2014


hello and assalamualaikum my cute cupcakes..

its been a great morning so far..haven't had breakfast yet..still thinking of what to eat this morning..remember,guys, breakfast is the most important meal of the day..never skip it..well,unless you wake up at noon,like me the past couple days,oops..no no don't follow me, we must wake up early, no matter you a boy or a girl, okay?

speaking of breakfast, you want to know what's bothering me, people often misspell the breakfast.. I always read people spell breakfast as 'breakfirst'. yes, I know breakfast is the first meal you have in a day but still, its not spelled that way ,alright.. but breakfast is spelled, B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T...with the FAST, not FIRST.. please make sure of your spelling okay?especially this easy ones..not to brag but its been bothering me.. #i'm not even good in English#at least I try#grammar Nazi#kidding#:P

since we are talking about food, I just want to tell you guys something.. i always have a 'dream' to have lots of fruits and veggies everyday in my house..i always eat unhealthy food,and whenever I want to eat fruits or salad,wwe have none..which made me sad..but now, since my family are suddenly trying to live a healthy life, my fridge is full of fruits and veggies..truthfully i'm not just happy because there are a lot of fruits in my frigde, the fact that my family are starting to live healthily..they all started to exercise, eat healthy food, drink lots of water and fruit juices,all makes me feel so happy..hey, I just noticed I actually just told you all the good things to do for maintaining a healthy life,haha..

let me tell you what kinds of fruits I have in my fridge..there are green apples, red apples, oranges, lemons, lai, pears, mandarin oranges ,raisins,and watermelon..that's so far..usually, we have kiwi fruit, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, grapefruit, grapes and blackberries.. LOTS OF FRUITS!

I love bananas actually but my dad wants to lose weight, and he says bananas is strictly prohibited for him.. my coach said, just eating a slice of banana and a bottle of water, can add a whole kilogram to your weight! woah! so if you are trying to lose weight, please avoid bananas,okay?all the other fruits in this world, you are allowed to eat..well, of course unless it is poisonous,do you want to die??however, if you do want to gain weight cuz you're so thin, or want some energy boost, then be a monkey! I mean,not the behaviour, just the eating habits, I guess..haha..SERIOUSLY, eating bananas have always give me extra energy when I need it..even just a slice..okay,moving on!

why so many fruits? well, I watched on tv, a show called 'NONA' on TV3, a model named Soo Wincci, gave a few dieting tips that she have been using.. want to know what it is?? well its pretty simple.. make a juice, or smoothie, using 5 different colour fruits..blend, okay, that's better because the fruit fibres is still in the drink..so you won't go hungry! and of course, you also won't easily get constipated..hehe..I personally think 3 different colour fruits is also good enough.. my mum loves to make carrot, oranges and apple smoothie.. I loved it too! for the 5 fruits, my mum tried green apples, red apples, oranges, lai, and carrot or lemons, if i'm not mistaken..it taste good, but its just that its too much flavour! if you love having a tons of flavours on your tongue, then you should try the 5 colour..i'm just gonna stick to the 3 colour..not to get myself confused by all the fruit flavours,haha..

woah, that's definitely a lot of writing than usual..haha..its okay..sharing is caring, right? now I just need to find a way to keep these fruits in order..my fridge is a mess! like a jungle full of fruits! haha
show me how your fridge looks like full of fruits and  veggies  soon ,okay!

take care..

much love,

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