Thursday 27 February 2014


hello and assalamualaikum my lovely daisies..

good morning! today is my day off from work. which means I can get some rest and do anything I want today.. yippee! I  woke up and just watched tv, a Korean show called KBS RETURN OF THE SUPERMAN.. so funny and the kids are so cute.. I had breakfast while I was watching it.. I had the simplest breakfast ever.. here's a pic of it..

yup.. just a big mug of coffee and ready baked cake.. hhaha.. my mom bought the cake from a bakery, I didn't make it okay.. I usually drink green tea in the morning, but today, I just want to try something different.. i'm not really a fan of coffee, I only drink it when I feel like drinking it.. if i'm not mistaken, the last time I drank coffee was last year, when I had to study for my big exam, SPM. I had to stay awake so I had to take daily doses of caffeine. but after the exam is over, good bye coffee! haha..since today is my first time drinking coffee in this year, i'm trying a new coffee. my mom bought it and she said it tasted amazing. so , I decided to give it a try..

yes, the only coffee brand I drink is NESCAFE'.
(no this is not sponsored advertisement! haha :D )
you might think this is the normal Ipoh white coffee but no, it stated on the packet that there are Hazelnut falvor in it! which totally made me want to try it. I love hazelnut! just like I love almonds! :D
erm, the taste is really rich.. even in this big mug, it still tasted rich and thick! and I could definitely taste the hazelnut taste.. it really gives the normal Ipoh white coffee something unique. I love it.. yum..

look at my childish mug.. haha.. i got it as a free gift from shopping something.. I have to say, I loved Bugs Bunny since I was a little kid. I loved watching him eat his carrot and say, "What's up , Doug? " at least that's what I think he said.. haha! I was so young.. I imitate everything Bugs Bunny do and say. I think he's cute. come on, he's a bunny! haha.. hope to see him in TV again, but, the cartoon is so old.. :(
gotta love this!
so, if you think you like my breakfast, try it then.. haha.. good luck and take care :*

much love,

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