Tuesday 11 February 2014

Tips To Pass Your Driving Test

hello and assalamualaikum my cute flowers..

good news for me, today I just passed my driving test! yay! i guess all those time and money that i spent learning to drive was really worth it. i have to tell you something, i actually failed the first time i took the test. yes, this was the second time i had my driving test. so, if you failed too, like me, then don't worry. its normal. but still, you have to do your best. it doesn't mean that you can fail like its nothing bad, okay.but don't worry, if you are about to be tested, then i have a few important tips for you ..

first of all, DON'T THINK OF FAILING. if you keep thinking that you are going to fail your exam, then you are ! same with keep thinking like "i cannot fail, i cannot fail!". its just the same.. as long as the word FAIL is in your head, then you are actually hoping that you'll fail. its like you are telling your mind to fail. don't do that!  however, don't be overconfident. its good to be confident, but not overconfident because you might forget some small important details that might fail you.

second, RELAX AND DON'T THINK TOO MUCH. you just have to relax your mind and body. you are going to drive. you can't drive in a state where you are scared. imagine, how will you feel if you are in the same car who the driver is really scared too drive? it will make you scared too, right? same goes with the examiner. the examiner is human too,they have feelings. will they be able to let you pass if you are scared? i don't think so as you might drive unsafely in that state. so, don't be scared. if you think too much, you will be scared. moreover, when you think too much, then your mind is full of stuff that will make you stressed and not have space to think logically. driving needs instinct, not memorising.

thirdly, DON'T HESITATE. as i said earlier, its all about following your instint. if you feel its the right thing to do, do it. don't hesitate. think of it as a bad voice in your head that tries to make you fail. don't follow it. if you think its time to change lane, change it. if you think its time to shift gear, shift it. don't think too much. be natural. like you are the car. the car is not handling you, you are handling the car.

and last but not least, BE CAREFUL. the most important thing is to be careful. i don't think this one needs an explanation. your heart has something like a censor to danger. your heart will want safety instead of danger. so just be careful,its the road, full with other people. not just you.

so that's all i have to say.. there are still a few important tips but i think those things are already tought by the instructor at driving school. but i will still post about it someday, important notes about hill driving, side parking, three point turn and also rules when you are in a test on the road.

all of these tips is sincerely from my heart, and from my experience. these have helped me a lot after i failed the first test. i am very grateful that i don't have to do this all over again, like a guy i know at the driving school who failed for the fifth time already. now you don't want to be like that guy , right. poor guy.he must be so nervous. so, good luck on your driving exam. tell me if these tips helped you pass. if you passed even without these tips,wow,then you are a pro in handling yourself,good job! again, good luck.

much love,

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