Friday 5 December 2014

Bread Diet is Bad For You?

Hello hello! So today I want to tell you about Bread diet.

What is bread diet? Well, like the name, it simply means going on a diet by just eating bread and water. (Mostly)

Is it good or is it bad?

At first, I don't know its effects or benefits or whatever. Since it is the easy to do so, I have been doing this diet for almost 5 days now, when I suddenly realise that I haven't eaten any proteins! Yes, I ate meatballs or sausage once in a while but that is just in a very small quantity, almost like you're not eating it at all. So I searched on the net about it, and surprisingly, the top results are all bad.

 Yes, I can pretty much say that bread diet is bad for you. I mean, if you think about it with logics, carbs is the food class that people have to avoid if they want to lose weight, right? But instead, I'm eating carbs everyday although in just a small amount.

Bread makes you hungry?

I read about this in some of the sites in the net. They say that eating bread makes you feel full faster , but it can also make you feel hungry again faster. Then, when you are hungry again, you keep eating the high carb food. That doesn't seem about right, doesn't it? You'll just end up eating more than you were supposed to! In my experience, at first I don't really eat lots of bread and get hungry easily, but a few days later, I do! So I guess this facts true then. It also states that it's better to eat grainy food rather than food than was made out of grain,which is bread.

Bread might lead to diabetes?

Again, I'm still not sure about this. It just stated that eating bread is not a very good option for diabetic people and even for those who wants to lose weight. I mean  think about it , bread is sweet , right? Obviously it not only have carbs, glucose but also sugar! (Wait, isn't glucose is sugar? Haha. My bad! ) Basically what I'm trying to say here is if it's bad for diebetics people, let alone for us to eat just bread everyday. Isn't it the same? I think it is, in a way.

So, that is all. In conclusion, if you are going on a diet, please do a research first before attempting on it. Otherwise it might lead you to sickness rather than a healthy body. Choose what you eat wisely, and most importantly, don't forget to eat. You must eat. Abd also exercise regularly, of course.  Keep a healthy lifestyle all right, guys and girls! Good luck!

Much love,

Thursday 4 December 2014

My dad is my lecturer??

Hello people.
It's already the first week of the 2nd sem of Foundation in Science Studies. And it's already Thursday. So far everything is going great, no massive homesick or anything, and yes lecture has begun although for the last sem, first week of the semester there were no lectures at all. But this sem, we just continued studying like the 2 months semester break never really happened. Haha.

Nothing great really happened, just normal studying week. Oh yeah except 1 ! For ELC subject(English), we have a new lecturer! And surprisingly it is a guy, middle aged but looks younger than his age. And guess what, he looks just like my dad! How awesome is that! At first I did'nt really notice it but then, I kept looking at him, laughing at his jokes when suddenly tears started to gather  my eyes as I recalled that he looks just like my dad! (I miss my dad okay, homesick :P )
So that's when I know he is going to be my fav lecturer this sem. (I hope so) And I will definitely make him remeber my name, I will, with whatever way it is I want him to remember me. (Insyaallah) hopefully for the good in me, not the bad. Hehe. Welp, 'dad', I am looking forward for our english class. See you next week!

Much love,