Thursday 27 February 2014


hello and assalamualaikum my cute little bunny..

it is night already which means it's time for dinner! i'm sorry but it seems like most of my posts nowadays are all about food.. haha..   I hope you don't mind... haha.. I just love writing about food! because I love eating and cooking ! :D

what did you have for dinner today? want to know what I had for dinner just now? I had................................a delicious TOMYAM! oh yeah, you can already read from the title, so you must already knew what I had for dinner just know..erm... nevermind! haha

what made my tomyam special is, I cooked it myself! haha.. with the help of my mom , of course. but it feels great that we did something yourself and it actually was not bad.. haha.. it was not bad I say? i'm sorry, I meant it was super delicious! haha

here's a picture of my dinner :

it doesn't look that extraordinary from the picture.. it looked normal, like any other tom yam I ate before..erm, it's okay! that means that its good! yay! haha

want the recipe? well, since I cooked this myself, of course I can share the recipe.. but I have to tell you, this is super duper easy and simplest tom yam ever..not those fancy tomyam..this is just like an 'instant' tomyam.. so , here we go..


1. Put water in a pot, add onion, garlic, ginger, and lemongrass into the pot. Boil it.
2.  Put chicken pieces( whatever size you want, I just used big size, like the size of a normal fried chicken) into the boiled water. 
3. Add in Tomyam flavour/ perencah ( I used maggi tomyam, we need to cheat a little :P ) Let it boil until the chicken are almost cooked.
4. When the water is boiled again, add cauliflowers, cabbage, and carrots in.
5. When the vegetables are soft, add tomatoes( cut into small pieces).
6. Add kaffir lime leaves.
7. Add lemon juice. (one lemon)
8. Add a pinch of sugar and salt. or until it tastes okay.
9. Done! :)

at least that's what I remembered.. so, go try it if you're lazy like me!, eh, no, not lazy, but like, easy, fast and simple food to cook ourselves.. :)

 hope you like it. good luck! 

much love,

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