Sunday 23 March 2014


hello and assalamualaikum my beautiful white horses..

I wrote in my old post that I was looking for accessories.. and yes, I found some, but they are all brooches.. not bracelet, rings or necklace. but don't be disappointed because these brooches are so cute! I couldn't resist buying them because they are too cute and well, I can use it everyday, since I wear hijab! :D

here are my favourites:

yes.. from the left, a cute minion in red , a red doraemon  , and also spongebob brooches! they are so cute. I have to admit, I don't regret buying these at all.. they look cute, and does not break or get damaged. they hang on hijab or clothes just well.. and they are small, so it doesn't look too childish to wear these. I bought these 3 for only RM10. (3 for RM10)  love these! especially the doraemon and minion.. :D

here's the newest brooches that I bought :

It was love at first sight when I saw these little pink brooches. a pink bear, and a pink bunny head. what more can you ask? haha.. first of all, the combination of the different toned pink colour is perfect, and besides, pink is my favourite colour. second of all, the face of the bunny head and the pink teddy bear is too cute ! haha. its not too small, and not too big, they are like normal brooches. these brooches especially the bunny doesn't look childish at all as long as you don't wear it for formal events, of course. however, the glue that sticks to the pin is not strong, the one on the teddy bear fell off right away when I opened it. even though  the bunny pin doesn't fall off,  it is just too heavy for thin cloth or hijab. so, it just overturn. so, I have to pin in into the shirt that i'm wearing too so it stay just right. the price is just 2 for RM1.50.. i think this is quite cheap, right? but i love them! :D
I actually bought this one last year and have been wearing this until the pin fall off.. haha.. I bought this brooch at Pusat Sains Negara when i was in a science and mathematics club  field trip to Kuala Lumpur. I didn't want to buy anything at first ,because they sell things like educational toys, or things  for kids, but suddenly, i saw this little bus brooch. at first i found a yellow one.  my friend wanted to buy a giraffe brooch for her sister, so i thought, maybe i should buy one for my sister too. so i looked for another school bus brooch with a prettier colour. and yes, i did found a prettier colour, which is my favourite colour, pink! which is the one in the pic. and at last, i kept this for myself. hehe.. it's not too big and not too small, and i wore  this to school during Physical Education. love it. it's so cute.. :)
these rose brooch made from ribbon is quite popular nowadays. it's simple and pretty, just perfect for anyone to use. i didn't  bought these, i actually got them as a gift from my cousin. well, door gift to be exact, i went to my cousin's aunt's wedding and they gave these as door gifts! very convenient!  i love them because i can wear these for formal events and also for informal events. these roses just make me look more feminine and lady-like. just look at the pink one, the blue bead fell off because i have been using that one a lot!  and yeah, i love these too :)
so, that's all for my cute brooches collection so far. next search, cute rings. :) wish me luck! thanks for reading and take care :)
much love,


1 comment:

  1. Oh!! I'm soooo in love with the 'school bus' brooch..
    Nice review dear...

    Take ur time to check on my blog & be my follower..

