Wednesday 8 October 2014


hello, dear bubble gums!

today I will be writing about CAREERS!(Warning: might have some grammatical error here and there. sorry! )

As we are growing to adults, of course we will be thinking of the career that we want to pursue , right? Sometimes, even like me, I have problems thinking of the careers that I really want. To make things easier, there are actually certain factors we need to consider when choosing a career . and here are the four most important factors to consider when choosing your career.


              First one would be a good working environment. This is because one spends many hours at workplace. For example, people who works at office hours work from as early as 8 o'clock in the morning and finishes working at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. This goes on for 5 days a week, not including working overtime or working on Saturdays and Sundays. We can say that people spends most of their time at workplace. So we want to choose a good workplace, a place that you love and does not mind to be at for a long period of time.
            Another reason is because a workplace is a place that enables one to get along with colleagues. Since workplace is the place where will be spending our times the most at, this means that we will have to interact with our work colleagues the most as well. If we don't get along with our work mates, then how are we going to increase our productivity of work? That is why a good workplace will enable a person to get along well with each other at all times.
            A good workplace can also affects a person's job and the degree of commitment. Why? well we all know that a happy person tends to be more productive and active than a dull and passive person, right? This means that a happy environment can lead to a happy person thus making them more productive in work. (if that makes sense, it does to me )  A happy environment does not have to be a colourful place like a kindergarten , but just a neat and good looking place is good enough. It is depends on the person actually. Some people loves to work at a hectic environment, like the hospitals or construction site, and that makes them happy. It doesn't really matter as long as the person likes it. Moreover, this will also frees one from emotional and mental stress. as I stated earlier, a happy environment leads to a happy person. Obviously .a person that is free from emotional and mental stress is a happy person. so that's why workplace is an important factor when choosing a career.

         Secondly , a good salary is also an important factor to look at when choosing a career. Most people will say that salary is the number one factor to look at when applying for a job. this is because it enables to cover expenditure without worries. Once you know that your salary is enough for you to survive, then you will not be worrying about the extra money that you need to  get in order for you to make a living. That is why you must be satisfied with the amount of money you are earning , so that you don't have to look for a part-time job and work over-time than you should.
         A good salary also gives you a head start to negotiating salary in the next job. There are a lot of tips that you can search for to negotiate your salary of you were ever to find a new job or getting promoted. Other than that, you will also be able to achieve certain short-term goals. For instance, a short term goal is like buying a car, or a house. With the good salary that you make, you can achieve these goals much easier than having to wait a longer time or work extra time to get the extra money in achieving your short-term goal.
         Everyone needs motivation and support in their lives, right? In this case, good salary can be a motivational factor for you to work harder. This is perfect for businessmen as they get their pays from the amount of sales they make in a day or a week. The more things they sell, the more money they will get. Which is why a good salary can motivate you to work harder, and which is why a good salary is one of the important factor to look at when looking for a job.


          With future prospects, you will not need to worry of being stuck in the same position for years. . In today's job market, no position is forever. I mean, if were to work for the position forever, do you really want to the job? Doing the same work, same routine everyday for your whole life. At some point you will want to change that and look for a new job. Future prospect  is having a clear idea of where the person is heading to. It will also encourages one to work harder as it will be rewarded. That is why future prospect is an important factor to consider when looking for a job.


           Last but not least, personal interest. There's not much to describe a bout this one. If you like the job you are doing, regardless what it is, the of course you will be happy and feel at peace.  It all depends on your interest. You might not get interested in a certain job, but there are some other people who are actually looking forward for the job. Other than that, you can get over any stress or frustration in the job. I mean, if you already like the job, then all the stress and frustration will be just for a short while. You will feel that those are the challenges for you to deal with.
          Another important thing is the job will give you the most personal satisfaction. Money can but everything, but not personal satisfaction. You enjoy doing your job, you feel happy doing the job, then you feel satisfied with it. Also, you will be loyal to the organization and will stay long in the job. If your career is like a dream come true to you, would you ever trade it for another job that you don't even know whether you will enjoy or not? I believe that you will hold on the career and stay long in it.


SO, yeah. that's the four important factors to consider when choosing  a career. Which do you think is the most important? The environment, the money, the future prospects, or the personal interest?

Thank you for reading. ;)




  2. Thank youuuuu!!!!;

  3. Hey, thanks for sharing to us...this article help me in my muet speaking test....thanks

  4. Thank You so much in my muet speaking test,god bless

  5. thank you darling

  6. thanks for sharing this, it little bit help me to find my point for My Muet speaking practise. Thanks a lot dear.

  7. helpful. thanxx sis <3

  8. Hey Aziana,

    Great work.. I ill suggest these factors to everyone who are confused in choosing a career

  9. Nice article.Really you write wonderful stuff.Your post looks great. Thanks for sharing!

  10. If there was abit more elaboration about future prospects, then it wouldve helped me in my gd :)

  11. Omg this is wht i need thankyou for share the knowlage together <3

  12. thankyou, very helpful
