Monday 27 October 2014


hello people. Today I feel like sharing some idioms. so here are some suitable for introductory sentences. with easy sentences to make it easier to understand the meaning. :)

1. Make hay while the sun shines.
    = Look at all the opportunities around you.
    = You must make the most out of your present situation.

2. Do not cry over spilled milk.
    = What is done is done.
    = There is no point regretting your mistakes.

3. At the eleventh hour.
   = You need to get your work done in time.

4. Do not beat around the bush.
   = Are you trying to avoid giving a direct answer.
   = Why are you evading this issue?

so for the next one, I am going to write introductory statements, but with the suitable idiom.

1. It is important that we not only know how to talk. We must also walk the talk. Certainly, action speak louder than words.

2. Have you ever been lost in a jungle? The worst scenario is when no one in your group knows how to get back to civilization. This will be like the blind leading the blind.

3.  The company was not making profits. There remained only one solution. -to sell the company. Yes, the dice was cast.

4. Are you obese? Have you gone to slimming parlours and found that you have wasted money? You can lose weight but it is easier said than done.

5. Your examination is over . Your hard work has paid off. Now is the time to eat, drink and be merry.

I know it is not a lot, but it is enough. hope this helped you. thanks for reading.

much love,

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