Thursday 23 October 2014


Hello hello readers.
Today I went to Ipoh Parade with my siblings. Guess what, we arrived as early as 10 A.M. the stores were just opening. Some of them are not even opened yet. Want to know why? My big brother wanted to get a free limited Bonuslink Card with free points. In our mind , we thought that there must be a lot of people, like queuing up to get those cards, so we decided to go as early as soon as the entrance door opened. Funny that there were no one as early as we were. Well, there were some people but they were not there for the cards. haha. Funny. But my brother got what he wanted, he was happy so he decided to go walk around the mall with me and my younger sister.
Yeah, not much stores were opened so we just went walking around looking at cheap clothes. Yes, they were really cheap and pretty ! Me and my sister wanted them, but decided to just stick with window shooping for the time being. Just looking around, surveying the prices and walked aimlessly.
 Until at this one path, there were drawings on the floor ! Not just ordinary drawings, but 3D. it was so cool. We even took some pictures.

Me with an alligator

My sister on the stairs with creepy hands beneath it

It was so cool. Looked kinda real, right? There were more, but these two are my favourite. And I am sure there were more at some other paths that we didn't walk at. So if think this is cool, and you want to be cool like us too :P , just come to Ipoh Parade. Yes, it is free. Just use your own camera and take the pic on your own of course. There weren't a lot of people anyways. Or maybe because we were at the mall too early. haha

okay, thanks for reading.

much love,

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