Friday 14 March 2014


hello and assalamualaikum my lovely grapes..

hey, I made another look and it's called BLACK AND WHITE EYE MAKEUP. haha.. why black and white? well, because this look  only need  eyeliners of two basic colour that most of us probably have, which is black, and white. I actually saw this look from a magazine, I thought it looks super awesome and epic so I decided to recreate this look and make a makeup tutorial of it. so let me show you the finished look , here it is :

how's  my pose? super awesome,okay, or too much? haha

I even matched the eye makeup with black and grey hijab, and also black cardigan. looks black and white enough, right? haha

so as you can see, it is just easy. although you may smudge the black eyeliner easily . that's why I used liquid eyeliner, and wait for it to dry rather than using pencil liner. you know how pencil liner can easily smudge, right? especially when you put white eyeliner on top of the black liner, i'm pretty sure it's going to be a mess. haha

here's some more pic that I took :) :



yeaa, sorry for making you vomit :P haha
but it was fun.. it only took a short while to make this look. and I think I love it.

why do my eyes look weird in this pic? :/ :D

so, if you are interested to know how I made this look, here's a tutorial video I made, enjoy! :

thanks for reading, and if you watched the video too, thanks again! haha
so, good luck! ;)

much love,

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