Thursday 6 March 2014


hello and assalamualaikum my little peanuts...

do you love drinking carbonated drinks? well, I do. especially coca cola and sprite. but keep in mind that you cannot drink it everyday..i only drink it like, once in every two weeks or at least once a week. carbonated drinks are really not good for you, though it tastes so good. it can give you diabetes even at a young age, and also broken kidneys. so, if you want to drink them, it's okay to just drink it once every two weeks, at least that's the longest I could wait. :)

so, I actually have a recipe for you guys to try. it's a recipe involved the carbonated drink I like, Sprite. you know how Sprite tastes like, right? it's so light and sharp. so, to give it a rich and less sharp taste, I made this recipe!

all you need is:
1. Sprite
2. Lemon
3. Orange

the method is super duper easy. if you are lazy, just watch my video I made when making this LEMON ORANGE SPRITE DRINK. here it is:

but, if you are not a lazy person, keep on reading! :D you can still watch the video though. :P
what you need to do:
1. Cut the lemon and orange to get a thin slice.

we're going to need the middle ones. the thin ones.
you can make it thicker if you want to. I sliced my orange thicker than the lemon :)
2 . Put then in a glass. Pour some Sprite in it. Stir. and it's done!

there you go. super easy, right? you might think that the taste is the same especially there's lemon already in the Sprite. but believe me, it's different. I personally loved it so much! :D

so, try it okay. good luck and take care. don't drink it too much ;)

much love,

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