Wednesday 12 March 2014


hello and assalamualaikum my cute little pebbles..

I just watched a movie today, it's called THE DEVIL WHO WEARS PRADA. I love it! first of all, when I see the title, I was like, erm, devil? not interested. wait, prada? hmm, maybe I should. so decided to watch the movie a little bit, to see if i'm interested in it or not.. so the movie started, and I saw a famous actress, ANNE HATHAWAY acting as Andrea. so I was like, hey! I love Anne Hathaway, maybe I should watch this movie! and I watched and watched it, and saw that it's about the girl, Andrea who's about to be interviewed to get into a fashion magazine company. and again, I was like, fashion ? magazine? fashion magazine company? I love that! I said to myself, I want this job too, working in this kind of company.. happily working about fashion and all. back to the story, yes, as expected, Andrea got the job. so mostly it's about how it's like working as an assistant of the boss in the fashion magazine company.

so, since i'm going to get my SPM results soon, maybe this movie will actually help me to see and choose the career that suits me the best. and this movie is the best help for me to see whether being in fashion industry is the best career for me or not? so I watched it and surprisingly, the movie is so good. it gets you thinking. not just thinking about having a job in fashion industry, but in any job we dream of. whether that's the best for yourself or not.

the best quote I could think of after watching this movie is,

" The perfect job we always dream of might not be as perfect as we thought. "

we'll talk about the quote later. so, the first thing I learnt from this movie is, no matter how hard our work is, how harsh we are being treated, that's life. we cannot give up easily. if we want something to succeed, we have to work for it. there's a saying , "No pain, No gain". yes, it's just like the saying. if we work to hope for sympathy and kindness or compliments from people, we'll not going to get it. that's life. even if you don't even have a clue about your job, we just have to deal with it. get help or something, just do what you could. if we quit or give up, we're actually holding ourselves back from getting good opportunities and to learn about life. we have to work hard for it, and people will actually give credits to you without even asking. at the time, after you have worked hard, you won't even care about compliments, we just care to  finish our work. 

second lesson I learnt is, sometimes, work can turn you into a different person than you were before. sometimes, you're too busy with work that you actually didn't realise that your family, friends and lovers are left alone. and sooner or later, they will be fed up with you, and you'll have to choose between your job, or your loved ones. at first, you might have to choose job, but in the end, you'll have to choose loved ones, because a job is still just a job.  something we do to get money, not love or support that we got all this time before.

third lesson is, the quote I wrote earlier.
" The perfect job we always dream of might not be as perfect as we thought. "

this movie really hit me in the head. I always had dream jobs that I always want, to be in fashion or cosmetics industry, even though i'm not that talented in these course,but because I love fashion, I hoped to be in the industry without even thinking how the job might be. this movie made me think about want I really really love, or want and which I have talent in.  from the movie, Andrea realised that she doesn't want to be like her boss, who in the end, had to gave up her company, divorced with her husband, and had to be cruel to people. her boss had to do that even though she really doesn't want to ,and no one cares about her feelings. Andrea doesn't want to be like that even though she is really good in her job and fashion . in the end, she changed to her old self, not caring about fashion or what people think, and just be herself.

I still  there's much more lessons to learn but, you'll have to watch this movie yourself to learn it, i'm just writing the ones that are pretty obvious and important for surviving work  . :)

so, I hope my description about the lessons I got from the movie is easily understood by you guys.i just really want you guys to know the lessons I learnt from this movie, as it is valuable and clear. I hope I explained this clearly too. so if you are confused about which movie i'm talking about, here is the trailer of the movie.. :

watch it okay! :) I think you'll love it because I do! :D

much love,

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