Thursday 13 March 2014


hello and assalamulaikum my little gummy bears..

since I don't really have any interesting topics to write today, it's time for another WORDS OF THE DAY ! : EPISODE 2 !! yaay! haha... so, basically words of the day episode is where I take random word , two english, two malay, from a book or dictionary and write it here. you know, to pass the time while enhancing our vocabulary. sounds interesting, right? :P haha..

to make things interesting, I will add one word from a foreign language that keeps stuck in my mind. (if I have one). and today, yes, I do have some foreign words stuck in my head and in this episode, the bonus language is KOREAN! so keep on reading to find out is what the word is, okay? :)

I couldn't find my English to English dictionary so i'm just going to use my English to malay dictionary. but I will try to find the meaning in English too, okay?  so, today I will choose two English words from this huge dictionary that I love.

(sorry for the low quality pic :P )
so let's begin!
  the first lucky word is *drumroll please :P
 FORELEG = kaki hadapan binatang  / front legs of a four-footed animal
I don't think this word need further explanation, right? haha.. let's continue to the next word.
second word of the day is..... *drumroll please
DILETTANTE = penggemar sesuatu (misalnya , seni) / a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge.
easy translation , a person who loves something dearly, something like art.. :)
get it? good. :)
so next, for malay words I am going to use this malay to malay dictionary.

(malay dictionary have a lot of editions , mine is the old one but it states here as 'NEW EDITION' )
THE FIRST MALAY WORD IS....*drumroll please
DENGKUNG = bunyi kung kung (bunyi seperti jeritan anjing yang dipukul atau bunyi besi dipalu) / kung kung noises (sounds like a beaten dog screams or the sound of hammered iron)

wow, I never heard of this word before.. haha.. okay, kung kung noise? so funny.. let's continue to the next word. *drumroll please

Malay :
 1. tempat diam burung( tempat berteduh,bertelur, memelihara anak)
2. tempat persembunyian (lanun, perompak, samseng)
3. akar sejenis tumbuhan (akar memanjat)
4. sejenis tudung saji  

English :
 1. bird hangout (shelter, spawning, rearing nestling)

2. the hiding place (pirates, robbers, thugs)

3. the roots of a plant ( climbing roots)

4. a food cover

yeah, I know what sarang means in malay. except the climbing roots and food cover. interesting! haha

another funny thing is, Korean language also have the word sarang. except the meaning of the Korean sarang is love!

cool, right? haha..
but that's not the next word of the day because i'm pretty sure everyone knows what Korean word, sarang means.. so, the Korean word of the day is............................................. *drumroll again please! :P

 how to pronounce it = gwencana / guwencana :)
 isn't that easy?
let me give you a dialogue as an example.
Person A : Are you okay? / gwaenchanh-a ?
Person B : i'm okay. / nan gwaenchanh-a. easy, right? ooh, by the way, 'nan' means ' I'm '.
okay, so that's all! hope we have gain some knowledge today because I know I did! haha.. so, thanks for reading. good luck and take care! :*
much love,

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